7 Ways to help your Dog with CBD Oil

7 Ways to help your Dog with CBD Oil

CBD oil, also known as cannabidiol oil, is widely known for its many health benefits. There is practically no part of the body that it can’t help. And, what’s more, it is also very safe and beneficial for animals.  Now, if your dog is suffering from an ailment and you...
Meet Melissa Toni: Pets Bring out the Positive

Meet Melissa Toni: Pets Bring out the Positive

I first met Melissa when she was referred to me as a potential petsitter/dog walker for my desi pups. It was love at first sight for Ruby and Jack (my dogs) who ran right up to her as if they had known her for years – Jack even smothering her face with kisses....
What is Causing the Doom of the Native Indian Dog

What is Causing the Doom of the Native Indian Dog

Did you know many of the dogs living on the street are native Indian breeds? Do you know their breed names or have you tried to learn more about them? It is the harsh reality that many Indian dog breeds aren’t popular among the pet owners. This has led to the downfall...
Finding a Home: Based on a True Story

Finding a Home: Based on a True Story

Angel Have you ever wondered what it means to be lost? Or being….unfound? That’s what I felt before Akanksha took me in and said, “It’s ok.”  You might be wondering who I am. I am Angel, a street dog, who roamed the streets of Dharamsala, India. The...
Signs Your Dog May Have A Health Problem

Signs Your Dog May Have A Health Problem

If you own a dog that you love very much, you are probably familiar with that worried feeling that every loving dog owner gets when you spot symptoms that seem to indicate a major health problem in your dog. You probably take good care of your dog but there are some...