If you’re studying veterinary medicine or are a newly qualified vet, you’ll understand the importance of getting hands-on experience. Joining a spay and neuter camp for a dog rescue is a great way to get a tonne of anaesthesiologic and surgical experience in a short...
India has somewhere in the region of 62 million stray dogs – let that sink in. The global canine population is around 900 million and only 20% of those are pets. The rest are free ranging dogs which don’t stay inside a garden or house. A large portion of...
​When an AHA moment emboldens you to quit your job, start an animal rescue in India and blow all your savings, you know you’ve found your heart’s purpose. In 2008, when DAR founder Deb was 40, she felt a niggle. Life was good – she was successful in her career...
Animal welfare education in school curricula is becoming a major priority. It fosters compassion and instils values of kindness and respect for all living creatures. Empathy development in children and early schooling go hand in hand. We have the chance to bring up a...