It was a hot summer day, the sun blazing, making people stay indoors. An old man was seen sitting under a tree on the pavement looking around at the people rushing by, hoping someone would notice him and stop to talk or ask about him. While he was contemplating life...
Man’s best friend is an incredible animal, one that has become a loving part of millions of families around the world. Whether you have a German Shepherd or a Desi Dog, you know just how fantastic a dog can be. If you needed any more proof, check out these 10 facts...
How did we fall in love by adopting street dogs from India?  …We followed our hearts. There are many things in the world which bring joy. For us, animals are one of those things. What does our dog pack mean to us? Our dog pack is home & happiness. It’s full of...
I was never sure what “love” was until I saw him looking at me with a big smile—for me that was love. The unconditional love and bond, which dogs have with the humans is unmatchable. This is the story of my friend whom I met on my way home one day....