Noddy, like most of our patients, is one of the many strays that live on the streets of india.  

I will never understand how humans can be so cruel…so much so that they drive right over animals in the street. Then, instead of stopping to see if they can help, they run off. 

I have cried so many times seeing dogs arrive at Dharamsala Animal Rescue in such bad conditions.  Many times, these cuties die right in front of my eyes and I feel helpless.

If the dogs are lucky, they live, but the recovery is long and expensive. Many have to have a limb amputated so we cannot not put them back on the street…and no one in India wants these dogs. Thanks to Desi Dogs of Vancouver, we have found homes for some of them in the USA and Canada.

If the dogs are unlucky, they die from spinal fractures or internal injuries. We receive 5 to 7 calls per week about dogs that have been hit by cars…that is 5 to 7 calls too many.

Noddy, was living on the streets in Kangra and all was okay, until the day, people witnessed a speedy vehicle trample his leg as he was resting side of the road. They immediately called us to rescue him and to see if we could could save his life.

When Noddy arrived, I fell in love with him immediately. As you can see in the photo, he is a very handsome boy. However, he was in such bad condition, the vets wanted to euthanize him to put him out of his pain and misery. But I saw life in his eyes. I begged them to give him a chance.

I hope that you watch this and share it. I hope it will encourage people to drive more carefully…to think of the street animals like they are they’re your own children…to drive slowly, brake when needed, and to be kind.

Here is his story:

About the author

Shabnam Dineshh Bhardwaj

Shabnam Dineshh Bhardwaj

Program Manager - Dharamsala Animal Rescue

Shabnam Dineshh Bhardwaj is the Program Manager at Dharamsala Animal Rescue. She is in charge of our Facebook and YouTube initiatives and runs the Humane Education Program in schools.