Dharamsala Animal Rescue Launches a Bold Campaign
Skip a Latte – Save a Life
Starting Tomorrow November 30th, Double Your Donation


San Francisco – Monday Nov. 29th – Holiday season is the biggest spending time of the year. It is also when charities hope to raise  up to 30% of annual donations. 2021 is no exception. To stand out from the crowd, Dharamsala Animal Rescue (DAR) is launching the Skip the Latte – Save a Life campaign tomorrow on Giving Tuesday, November 30.  It showcases how what we spend on holiday gifts and daily expenses can make a big difference in the lives of animals and humans in rural India.

Skip the Latte – Save a Life

Rabies is endemic in India with 1 person dying every 30 minutes. Most victims are impoverished children. It also kills an uncountable number of dogs each year. But everyone can help. For just the cost of a latte, DAR can save 2 lives.

Skip the Latte – Save a Life, was Inspired by the award winning “Small Change, Big Difference” campaign launched in 2007 by Cordaid People in Need (advertising agency Saatchi & Saatchi – photographer Calle Stoltz). DAR’s campaign used local staff as models who scouted locations and used many treats and other tactics to keep the street dog models happy. Local writer and photographer Payal Singh captured the images.

Skip the late-night shopping – Save a Life

One thing we don’t hear about often is that female street dogs truly suffer if they are not spayed.  Each mating season they are stalked and attacked by male dogs. Then of course, they have the burden of carrying puppies that are unwanted by the locals. For the same cost of a lipstick, DAR can spay a female and ease her burden. For the same cost of a late-night shopping spree, DAR can spay five dogs.

A New Lipstick? or A Cruelty-Free Life for a Female Street Dog

Double the Donation Starting Tomorrow

Starting on Giving Tuesday, November 30th, a latte will save 4 lives. Indeed, SPCA International and an anonymous grantor are providing $20,000 in matching funds to help a cause in which they believe: making the world a better place for animals and people in Dharamsala, India.

From November 30th to December 31th –
Until funds run out
All individual donations will be doubled
All new monthly donations will be tripled


India’s street dog population is estimated to be between 35–40 million and accounts for the highest number of rabies cases in the world with approximately 20,000 people dying from it every year. Dharamsala Animal Rescue’s mission is to help resolve the human/street dog conflict in Dharamsala by providing several key programs: spay/neuter, rabies vaccination, street animal rescue, street animal feeding, local adoption, and community education.

Founded in 2008. DAR received the World Rabies Day Award 2021, the World Rabies Day 2019 Asia Award and has been a recipient of the SPCA International’s Shelter Support Fund since 2015.

Source: Piyara Kutta Inc. dba Dharamsala Animal Rescue, www.darescue.org
Deb Jarrett, (720) 480-6235, deb@darescue.org
